Biomes of the World

Your mission is to research information about the Biomes of the World.  You will takes notes and answer questions in your log book.  To do your research, follow the directions below.

Step 1:  Watch this MOVIE

Step 2:  Click on this Link to take you to your research pages for each biome.  You will need to read each page and click "next" at the bottom of the page.  While you are reading, you should answer the questions in your log book.

Step 3:  Once you have completed questions 1-24 in your log book, click here to conduct the next section of research.

Step 4:  Once you have completed questions 25-27 in your log book, click here to conduct the next section of research.

Step 5:  Read the following Facts About Biomes and fill in the blanks in your log book.

1.  Biomes are the world's major communities where insects, animals, plants
and people live in a certain type of climate.

2.  The climate and geography of an area determines what type of biome can exist in that region.

3.  Each biome consists of many ecosystems.

4.  Here are the commonly grouped biomes: Desert, Deciduous Forest, Coniferous Forest, Arctic Tundra, 
Tropical Rainforest, Grasslands, Taiga.

5.  There are also Marine and Freshwater ecosystems that could be considered the water biomes.

6.  The Marine and Freshwater biomes are extremely important because water is the basis of all life.

7.  The earth's coldest biome is the tundra which has permanently frozen subsoil, called permafrost.

8.  All of the biomes need to be protected. Over the past several years, human activity has destroyed, 
exploited, or polluted many of the biomes.

9.  All living things are closely related to their environment and any change in a part, like an increase 
or decrease in one type of plant or animal, can cause a ripple effect of change through the entire biome.

10. Biomes have moved and changed many times throughout the history of the Earth.

Step 6:  Watch this video on Ecosystems

Step 7:  Watch this video on Food Chains

Step 8:  Play this game about Producers and Consumers

Step 9:  Answer the questions in your log book using this link

Step 10:  Play these games about Food Chains and these games about Food Webs


Review:  You may watch any or all of the videos on this page to help reinforce what you have learned.